Friday, May 4, 2012

Weekly Highlights, Ms. Der Yuen, 5/4/12

Weeding, digging, and planting- we fun working in our garden plot this week. We’ve planted aromatic herbs which we will be tending to through the end of the school year. Hopefully we can figure out some creative culinary ways to use them in our Mother’s Day breakfast next week! Click on photos to enlarge.

Maya: I am looking forward to seeing Ahimsa this afternoon. I liked PE, origami, gardening, getting Flat Stanley from Seattle, and math.

Spencer: I liked making a Mother’s Day book, gardening, math, the states rap and geography in general, and PE.

Brynn: I liked everything! I liked gardening, making my Mother’s Day book, PE, Paddington traveling, origami, getting more Flat Stanleys in class, making sounds in science, computers, and I’m looking forward to Ahimsa visiting. I just love being here at school!

Brennan: I liked doing the Mother’s Day books, seeing Paddington pictures from his trip to Lindsay’s, doing origami, and gardening (even though I was only here for one day of it). I’m looking forward to Ahimsa’s visit.

Kayla: I’m looking forward to seeing Ahimsa! I liked origami, gardening, singing the states rap, and I did NOT like bringing back Paddington!

Matt: I liked the spelling test, math, PE, painting clay bowls in art, seeing Kenna get an award, and doing the states rap. I especially liked bringing Paddington home!

Riley: First of all, can you write, “Everyone is looking forward to seeing Ahimsa” at the very end? I liked writing the Mother’s Day books, gardening and smelling the mint. I basically liked everything.

Mihir: I liked gardening, math, PE, geography, finishing my Mother’s Day card in computers, and origami.

Alex L.: I liked PE, art, getting ready for Spring Tea in music, computers, Indian in the Cupboard, Flat Stanleys arriving, passing around Paddington, spelling test, and geography.

Lindsay: I liked Indian in the Cupboard, planting herbs, painting bowls in art, origami, making harps in science, playing Graveyard in PE, and I did NOT like giving Paddington to Matthew!

Alex C.: I liked everything! I liked doing origami and the thing I liked most of all was playing Graveyard in PE (Prisoners Free!).

Nina: I liked making a harp in science, playing Prisoners Free in PE, making a Mother’s Day book, practicing Spring Tea in music, origami, PE, and I’m looking forward to Ahimsa’s visit! I also can’t wait to get to bring Paddington home!

Everyone is looking forward to seeing Ahimsa this afternoon while she is visiting from India!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Thank you for teaching our children all about nature, planting, weeds and herbs! Now, if I can only get Alex to weed MY garden :)
