Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Reminders

Dear Parents,
A note went home from 2A to remind you of our Santa Lucia performance this Thursday at 11:00 a.m. Also, our holiday party is this Friday, right after assembly. 2A needs: 1) graham crackers, 2) vanilla frosting, 3 containers, 3) gumdrops, 4) candy canes, 5) M&M's, 6) chocolate Santas and hot chocolate. We also are having a book exchange in the classroom. $20.00 maximum I hope to see many of you there.

Spelling Words for Week of December 12, 2011

1. old
2. know
3. road
4. cold
5. grow
6. hold
7. low
8. told
9. own
10. coat
11. snowmen
12. golden
13. rainbow
14. clothing
15. floating

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