Thursday, October 13, 2011

Costumes for the play

We've been talking about costumes for the play next week and want to reiterate that we are NOT expecting anyone to purchase costume supplies.  The kids should plan to come to school in costume on their performance day (10/19 for 2A, 10/20 for 2B).  We have a costume that will go home with Statue of Liberty.  We also have some assorted props in class, but children should plan to find clothes at home that could work for their costume.  Below are some pictures for inspiration, of immigrants at Ellis Island and from last year's performance.

Suggested costume ideas- 

Nabokovs and Narrators: shawls and long skirts for girls, caps and pants tucked into knee high socks for boys, neutral colors
Uncle Vladimir and Aunt Katya: red, white, and blue, denim, sunglasses
Doctor: lab coat (we have a stethoscope, thank you Brynn!)
Officer: tucked in shirt (we have a cap)

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