Friday, March 30, 2012

Weekly Highlights 3/30/12 Mrs. Barulich

Oliver: I liked learning about the sounds from highest to lowest in science. I also liked French Week, the Chinese brush painting, watching the Kentucky Derby and receiving the Idaho Spud chocolate bars from Riley's grandmother.

Ivan: I liked the brush painting with Mrs. Natarajan, playing volleyball in P.E., working on our water colors in art and Mardi Gras!

Aidan: I liked Mardi Gras, learning about the pioneers in Core, P.E. and science.

Madeline: I liked the creative writing on Thursday about our magic paintbrushes, doing the gymnastic drills, music, Mardi Gras and chinese brush painting.

Rohan: I liked watching last year's Kentucky Derby on the smartboard, science, gym and Mardi Gras this week has been a lot of fun.

Renee: I liked sharing my french camera with the class, gym, and Mardi Gras.

Stefan: I liked receiving my University of Maryland football player Flat Stanley. Thank-you grandma, he is so cool! Also, my other grandma sent the entire second grade classes Idaho Spud chocolate bars. They were so good. I liked P.E. and science too!

Vicki: I liked Mardi Gras, the french crepes were delicious! I also liked reciting the french alphabet and receiving the Idaho Spud chocolate bars!

Kenna: I liked receiving my Hawaiian Flat Stanley complete in Hawaiian attire and a ukulele! I also liked Mardi Gras and the chinese brush painting.

Liam: I liked the Idaho Spuds candy bar from Idaho, gym, P.E., the crepes, watching the Kentucky Derby on the smartboard, Mrs. Barulich and the chinese brush painting.

Nathan: I liked doing nothing but cursive writing this week! Mine has really improved. I also liked the creative writing piece on the magic paintbrush and the chinese brush painting!

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