Friday, February 10, 2012

Weekly Highlights 2/10- Ms. Der Yuen

Happy 100th Day of School!  We spent our 100th day of school in San Francisco at the Children's Creativity Museum.  We made clay stop-motion animation, invented solutions to crazy problems with our mystery box challenges, and even sang karaoke!  For more photos, check out SmugMug (password: wildcats).  Thank you to all the chaperones who generously volunteered their time and energy to join us!

Lindsay: I liked starting multiplication, the field trip especially the clay animation, making flipbooks, researching Harriet Tubman, Stuart LIttle, and my birthday of course!

Mishal: I liked Stuart Little, the clay animation, the bus ride to the field trip, interviewing Mrs. Whited about Clara Barton, math, science, and everything!

Mihir: I liked the field trip- especially the clay animation, Lindsay's birthday, Alex C. and Spencer getting Core Virtue Awards, multiplication, and doing Roman Numerals in math.

Brynn: I liked Lindsay's birthday, the Core Virtue Awards for Alex and Spencer, seeing a brown pigeon on the field trip- I've never seen a brown one before!  I also like making flipbooks, Stuart Little, multiplication, and seeing Ms. Der Yuen.

Alexander L.: I liked science, seeing brown and white pigeons in SF, playing Star Wars in PE, making flipbooks, Lindsay's birthday, and dancing at the field trip.

Nina: I liked the field trip and the clay animation, Lindsay's birthday, and interviewing Mrs. Whited about Clara Barton.

Spencer: I liked the field trip and clay animation, getting my Core Virtue Award for Courage, Lindsay's birthday, multiplication, and graduating tutoring.

Kayla: I liked reading Stuart Little, Lindsay's birthday, the clay animation on the field trip, gym, making flipbooks, when Alex and Spencer got their awards, and seeing Ms. Der Yuen.

Matt: I liked singing karaoke on the field trip, Stuart Little, library, PE, Lindsay's birthday, Alex and Spencer's Core Virtue Awards, and Tintin in French.

Maya: I liked the field trip especially because my dad was there, playing Star Wars in PE, Stuart Little, and learning "z" in cursive.

Brennan: I liked everything about the field trip, Spencer and Alex's awards, Lindsay's birthday, Star Wars in PE, the Art Show, making flipbooks, and Stuart Little.

Riley: I liked the karaoke and mystery box challenge on the field trip, interviewing Mrs. Whited, flipbooks, multiplication, Lindsay's birthday, and seeing Ms. Der Yuen.

Alexander C.: I liked the clay animation, dodgeball in PE, Lindsay's birthday, getting my Core Virtue Award for Integrity, the vinegar and baking soda experiment in science, and multiplication.

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